Saturday 10 November 2012

All Saints' Day and Halloween in Ferreries

Last Friday (31st October) all the students in our school had "bunyols" (like doughnuts) with sugar or honey for breakfast (at break time). "Bunyols"  is a typical dessert for All Saints' Day.
In English class we sang and danced the "Skeleton dance" and  played at Happy Halloween.


  1. Wowwwww!!!! Were they delicious???? From the photos they seem very, very tasty! Who prepared them? Families at home? Maybe the cook in the school kitchen?????



  2. Of course, they were delicious.
    Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 students ate "bunyols" from a local bakery but many parents and grandparents came to the school and there they prepared the dough and then cooked the "bunyols" for younger pupils (from P3 to Year 2).
